CPD Points Requirements for Tasmanian lawyers

Tasmanian lawyers can earn 1 CPD unit per hour and up to 5 CPD units each year by completing LawCPD’s online CPD courses.
CPD Rules for Tasmanian Lawyers
The Law Society of Tasmania introduced a mandatory continuing legal education scheme for Tasmanian practitioners which commenced on 1 April 2012. Complying with the requirements of the continuing legal education scheme is a mandatory condition for the renewal of a practicing certificate pursuant to section 56 of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (TAS).
Recognised CPD Activities
Under the Law Society of Tasmania’s Continuing Professional Development Scheme (Practice Guideline No. 4), a legal CPD activity is defined in clause 2.4 and includes:
- attending or preparing material for a seminar, workshop or conference;
- completing a course at a tertiary institution relevant to law or legal practice;
- viewing or listening to, or preparing material for, a multi-media or web-based program or recorded material;
- publishing or editing an article in a legal or non-legal publication; or
- attending or preparing material for a seminar, workshop, conference or discussion group conducted within a legal practice.
LawCPD’s online CPD courses meet the requirements set out in clause 2.4(c) of the Law Society of Tasmania legal CPD Scheme, as a multi-media or web-based program. This means that Tasmanian practitioners can earn 1 legal CPD unit per hour and up to 5 legal CPD units annually by completing LawCPD’s online CPD courses.
From 1 April 2023, all NT practitioners are required to complete at least one CPD point annually on skills relating to identifying, addressing and preventing bullying, discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
Annual CPD Requirements
According to the Law Society of Tasmania legal CPD scheme, practitioners must earn 10 CPD units in a CPD year. Prior to March 2020, the CPD year ran from 1 April to 31 March annually. In March 2020 the Law Society of Tasmania amended the CPD scheme to change the CPD year to 1 May to 30 April each year.
LawCPD has classified all of its online CPD courses into the different mandatory competency areas to assist with compliance.
Tasmanian practitioners must earn a minimum of 1 legal CPD unit from each of the following four mandatory competency areas:
Record Keeping and Auditing
Will I get audited?
Under the Law Society of Tasmania's continuing legal education scheme, the Law Society may conduct an annual random audit of practitioners’ legal CPD records to monitor compliance with the continuing legal education scheme (see clause 5.2). This means it is important for practitioners to keep a record of their completed legal CPD for audit purposes.
For full details of the Law Society of Tasmania’s continuing legal education scheme and the CLE requirements for Tasmanian practitioners, visit the TAS Law Society website.
How does LawCPD help me with my compliance?
LawCPD provides practitioners with a personalised page (MyCPD) which tracks all their learning in real time and provides a record of all legal CPD units earned through LawCPD. Practitioners can print a copy of this page and provide it to the Law Society of Tasmania in the event that they are audited for compliance with the continuing legal education scheme.
LawCPD also provides printable certificates for each online legal CPD course completed which can be downloaded from the MyCPD page. These certificates may also be provided to prove compliance with the CPD scheme if the practitioner is audited by the Law Society of Tasmania.
What is MyRewards?
MyRewards is LawCPD's loyalty program. Each purchase earns you reward points which you can use to claim free online CPD courses. MyRewards is a great opportunity for you to save on your legal CPD. For example, if you buy 4 CPD points worth of courses, you will have accumulated enough points to get your 5th CPD point for free! That works out to a saving of 20% on all courses over time. Every LawCPD member will automatically start accumulating reward points from their first purchase, so make sure you create your free account today!
Want to know more about how you can save with LawCPD MyRewards? Read more below.
How does MyRewards work?
How do I get reward points?
Reward points are automatically allocated to your MyRewards account after each purchase.
For every four dollars you spend with LawCPD, you receive one reward point.
Browse Legal CPD
How many reward points do I have?
You can check your MyRewards balance at any time in your MyCPD profile.
Once logged into the MyCPD dashboard, go to "MyProfile" via the left or bottom menu. The number of reward points you have accumulated will be visible in the bottom-right section “MyRewards Balance”.
How many reward points do I need to get a free course?
Each reward point is equivalent to 1 dollar on the LawCPD site. You will need a total of 109 reward points in your account before you can spend them. To make a purchase with reward points, your MyRewards balance will need to be equal or higher than the total amount of your cart.
For example, purchasing a One-Click CPD 10 Point pack will earn you 220 reward points. This means that not only you will have already saved 20% on standard pricing by purchasing a One-Click CPD Compliance Pack, but you will also be able to claim your next CPD course for free!
How long do my reward points last?
Your reward points will expire one year after the date they were allocated to your account; don't forget to use them!
How do I use my reward points?
To use reward points, follow these simple steps:
- From the Premium Online Legal CPD page, select your courses and click Purchase to add them to your cart.
- When you are ready to checkout, click the cart icon at the top right of screen, and Go to Checkout.
- On the Checkout page, complete your order details (Name, Address, etc) or log in to your existing account.
- When you reach the Payment Method section, choose Reward Points.
Can't see the Reward Points option? Check that you have sufficient points to purchase your selected course. - When you are happy with your order, click Review Order at the bottom of the Checkout page.
- Review the details on the Review Order page, and if you want to make any changes, click the Back button. When you are satisfied with your order, click Purchase.
- Congratulations! The course is ready to go. When you are ready to begin, go to the MyCPD dashboard and select your new course from the list.
Note: Your reward points will be removed from your account once they have been redeemed.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions regarding the MyRewards program, you can email us today at support@LawCPD.com.au.