Regulation 176: Legal Profession Regulation 2005
On 1 July 2015, The requirement for NSW lawyers to complete CPD in accordance with Regulation 176 was removed by the Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015. The information below is provided for comparative purposes only.
Every 3 years, NSW lawyers are required to complete 1 legal CLE unit which satisfies Regulation 176 of the Legal Profession Regulation 2005, which states:
If the holder of a local practising certificate is required to undertake continuing legal education, that continuing legal education must include a component relating to the management of the practice of law that deals predominantly with the following issues:
(a) the principles of equal employment opportunity,
(b) the law relating to discrimination and harassment,
(c) occupational health and safety law,
(d) employment law,
(e) the management of legal practice consistent with paragraphs (a)-(d).
NSW lawyers who complete a legal CLE seminar or online CLE course which satisfies the MCLE requirements of Regulation 176, may also use this legal CLE to satisfy the Rule 57 MCLE requirements for MCLE Rule 57 1.6(i) Ethics and Professional Responsibility and MCLE Rule 57 1.6.(ii) Practice Management and Business Skills.
NSW lawyers can complete their Regulation 176 MCLE requirements by completing the following online CLE course:
Employment Law Issues for Law Firms
This course focuses on anti-discrimination and equal opportunity in employment and how law firms (as employers) can ensure they comply with their legal obligations.
Read more or preview this course >>