Barristers and solicitors face significant stress in their professional lives, which can have a negative impact on relationships at home and at work. This course provides practical strategies for managing stress and improving wellbeing.
Barristers and solicitors face significant stress in their professional environments. These stressors, when combined with common personality traits such as perfectionism and self-criticism, can have a negative impact on well-being and psychological health. This often results in significant challenges in personal and professional relationships.
This course aims to improve the wellbeing of barristers and solicitors by providing practical strategies for managing stress and its impact on relationships. This courses explores:
- common stress factors faced by barristers and solicitors
- the impact of stress on different work and life domains, particularly the relational domain
- strategies to reduce stress, improve mental wellbeing and foster more fulfilling relationships
- how to recognise stress in others and support colleagues going through difficult times.
Last Reviewed: August 2024
Meet the expert

Bernadette Healy is the director and principal psychologist of the Re-Vision Group. She has over twenty years experience working with individuals and groups within the corporate, government, higher education and NFP sectors.
Great Course!!Very detailed and insightfulF. Jacob, SolicitorEnhancing Your Wellbeing in the Law Barristers and solicitors face significant stress in their professional lives, which can have a negative impact on relationships at home and at work. This course provides practical strategies for managing stress and improving wellbeing.LawCPD
This is a great courseI highly recommended for all lawyers, the content was easy to follow and very instructiveL. Lopes, SolicitorEnhancing Your Wellbeing in the Law Barristers and solicitors face significant stress in their professional lives, which can have a negative impact on relationships at home and at work. This course provides practical strategies for managing stress and improving wellbeing.LawCPD
Every one should do thisThis course was very informative.
C. Hunter-Lange, SolicitorEnhancing Your Wellbeing in the Law Barristers and solicitors face significant stress in their professional lives, which can have a negative impact on relationships at home and at work. This course provides practical strategies for managing stress and improving wellbeing.LawCPD