Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.
Many people find it difficult to know how to handle certain situations in the workplace such as giving and receiving criticism, asking for help, or refusing requests from others. The natural response to these situations is often to be either aggressive or submissive.
Submissive people avoid confrontation but fail miserably at getting what they want or need. And while aggressive people often appear to be successful in the short term, they rarely win the willing co-operation of their colleagues in the long-term.
Assertiveness is more advantageous than both of these communication styles. Assertive communication enables both parties to be heard and is more likely to lead to satisfactory solutions to problems.
This course explores the differences between submissive, aggressive and assertive behaviour, discusses the techniques of assertive behaviour, and shows how to apply these techniques in specific situations in the workplace.
Last Reviewed: January 2025
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This course deserves the highest praise.The course was very easy to follow. The essential elements were presented in a logical sequence and explained with both clarity and conciseness.J. Smith, SolicitorAssert Yourself: Learning to be Assertive Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.LawCPD
Brilliant, entertaining, relevantCertainly a different type of presentation which I thoroughly enjoyed. A must for junior members of staff.A. Palmer, SolicitorAssert Yourself: Learning to be Assertive Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.LawCPD
Techniques that don't lose relevance over timeClear, simple wisdom.
M. Jones, SolicitorAssert Yourself: Learning to be Assertive Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.LawCPD -
Excellent courseWell worth completing: concise and practical.E. Cummings, SolicitorAssert Yourself: Learning to be Assertive Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.LawCPD
Surprisingly relevant, highly recommended!This was a surprisingly useful and relevant course and I would highly recommend to anyone in any field of work. The interactive format is easy to use and makes learning enjoyable.
T. Jackson, SolicitorAssert Yourself: Learning to be Assertive Assertive behaviour does not come naturally; faced with difficult situations our natural response is often either aggressive or submissive. This course discusses the key principles of assertive behaviour and how you can practically apply these in your workplace.LawCPD